We are looking for volunteers to test in-game features on the GameDay platform.
Gameday is the online fixture and game management system used by England Ice Hockey. We are pleased to announce that GameDay are preparing updates to their in-game platform, including netminder minutes, time-outs and shots on goal per period.
We’d love your help as key users to test these new features before they are released.
We are keen to engage with all our expert members using GameDay, so would love to hear from you if you would like to volunteer a few hours of your time between February 1-16 to assist with this testing during games.
Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us fine-tune the updates and ensure they meet the needs of teams across the EIH community.
Whether it’s new features, usability improvements or overall performance, your input will play a crucial role in enhancing the GameDay experience for all.
If you or any one in your club is able to help, please email info@englandicehockey.com and we will provide more details about the testing process and the timeline.
To send us your latest club news, please click here!
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