Disciplinary | Saturday 7 December

Following last weekend’s action, the England Ice Hockey Department of Player Safety (DOPS) have issued the following sanctions:

  • Nathan Ripley (Sheffield Steeldogs) | 2 game suspension after DRS review – Illegal check to the head
    • Additional comments:  The checking Steeldogs player makes contact with the body of his opponent near the boards. As he does, his shoulder and elbow are also raised, making contact with the neck and head, and as such meets the requirements of Rule 48.3 “Illegal check to the head”, causing reckless endangerment.
  • Reece Cochrane (Bristol Pitbulls) | 1 game suspension after DRS review – Checking from behind
    • Additional comments: The check was from behind. Checked player was in a vulnerable position and recklessly endangered by the action.
  • Reece Cochrane (Bristol Pitbulls) | 1 game suspension – Hitting threshold of 10 penalty points

Total: 2 game suspension for Reece Cochrane.

  • Tom Brierley (Hull Jets) | 4 game suspension (tw0 suspended pending no further instances of this nature before the end of the 2024/25 season) – Kneeing
    • Additional comments: Leading with the knee. There was knee-to-knee contact, recklessly endangering the opponent.
  • Tom Brierley (Hull Jets) | 2 game suspension – Hitting threshold of 10 penalty points

Total: 6 game suspension for Tom Brierley.

  • Charlie Turner (Swindon Wildcats NIHL 1) | Mandatory 1 game suspension – Fighting
    • Additional comments: Fighting in the last five minutes of the game.
  • Ben Nethersell (Swindon Wildcats NIHL 1) | Mandatory 1 game suspension – Fighting
    • Additional comments: Fighting in the last five minutes of the game.
  • Aaron Moody (Cardiff Fire) | 1 game suspension – Boarding
  • Kris Kasjanovs (Cardiff Fire) | 1 game suspension – Boarding
  • Kris Kasjanovs (Cardiff Fire) | Mandatory 1 game suspension – Fighting
    • Additional comments: Fighting in the last five minutes of the game.
  • Kris Kasjanovs (Cardiff Fire) | 2 game suspension – Hitting threshold of 10 penalty points

Total: 4 game suspension for Kris Kasjanovs.

  • Joe Llewellyn (Cardiff Fire) | Mandatory 1 game suspension – Fighting
    • Additional comments: Fighting in the last five minutes of the game.
  • Vincent Racine (Lee Valley Lions) | 2 game suspension – Kicking
  • Jaydon Ford (Cardiff Canucks) | 2 game suspension – Checking from behind
    • Additional comments: Delivered through the numbers, causing reckless endangerment.
  • Luke Burdon (Billingham Buccaneers) | 2 game suspension (one suspended pending no further instances of this nature before the end of the 2024/25 season) – Boarding
    • Additional comments: Player had an opportunity to adjust and avoid the hit, but chose not to. Player elevated through the hit, with the opponent being in a vulnerable position just off the boards. This recklessly endangered the opponent.
  • Luke Burdon (Billingham Buccaneers) | 2 game suspension – Hitting threshold of 10 penalty points

Total: 4 game suspension for Luke Burdon.

  • Joe Gray (Kingston Sharks NIHL 2) | 1 game suspension – Fighting
  • Joe Gray (Kingston Sharks NIHL 2) | 2 game suspension – Hitting threshold of 10 penalty points

Total: 3 game suspension for Joe Gray.

  • Joshua Marsden (Nottingham Lions NIHL 2) | 1 game suspension – Fighting
  • Alfie Kelly (Deeside Ducks) | 2 game suspension – Slashing
    • Additional comments: Aggressive slashing motion to the groin area of an opponent, recklessly endangering them.
  • Ninni Taskinen (MK Falcons) | 4 game suspension (two suspended pending no further instances of this nature before the end of the 2024/25 season) – Checking from behind
    • Additional comments: Recklessly endangering opponent, who was unaware of the hit.

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About the Author: england_ice_hockey