
All ice hockey clubs and teams in England and Wales need to be affiliated with England Ice Hockey. Affiliation is free of charge and clubs and teams need to renew their affiliation each year to maintain membership.

Benefits of affiliating with England Ice Hockey include:

  • Combined Liability Insurance
  • Access to compete in England Ice Hockey leagues and competitions
  • Access for membes to England Ice Hockey development and coaching and education pathways
  • Dedicated club support
  • Access to a wealth of resources for clubs
  • Access to apply to host and attend tournaments and hockey camps
  • Enforcement of the England Ice Hockey Code of Conduct & Ethics and Discipline Procedure

All clubs must meet the following minimum requirements:

Recognised as any of the following:

  • Recognised by England Ice Hockey as entering an England Ice Hockey sanctioned league or competition
  • Officially affiliated with a university sporting section (BUIHA only)
  • Officially affiliated with the England Ice Hockey Recreational section

In addition, clubs must:

  • Have an effective club committee consisting of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer
  • Have a Head Coach who is an England Ice Hockey licenced Level 2 Team Coach
  • Have a Child Welfare Officer / Designated Safeguarding Lead if there are players aged under 18 in the Club
  • Have a bank account with appropriate signatories
  • Have a suitable venue for playing ice hockey which appears on the England Ice Hockey approved venue list
  • Ensure your Club members are also registered as England Ice Hockey members. Clubs must submit an initial membership database of a minimum of 14 persons.
  • Acknowledge and adhere to England Ice Hockey policies, including but not limited to the England Ice Hockey Code of Conduct and Ethics, England Ice Hockey Safeguarding Policies, England Ice Hockey Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, England Ice Hockey Anti-Corruption Policy and the UKAD Anti-Doping Policy
  • In the event of insolvency of England Ice Hockey, affiliated Clubs must acknowledge that they can be called upon to guarantee the debts of the association to the sum of £50.00 (Fifty Pounds).

Clubs must also:

  • Publish their legal name, form (e.g. unincorporated association, company limited by shares or guarantee etc) and any identifier (e.g. company number). In addition, for those clubs that are owned, the club shall also publish the identities of the owner.
  • Submit a digital copy of the club/team logo, to be approved by the England Ice Hockey
  • Submit a digital copy of the team strip, to be approved by the England Ice Hockey
  • Submit a copy of the public liability insurance from the club’s ice rink
  • Be committed to maintain and develop the spirit of the game
  • Provide an adequate ice time contract to demonstrate the club/team can fulfil their league fixtures
  • Promote England Ice Hockey at all times

All clubs must affiliate directly with England Ice Hockey and must receive permission from the league they wish to enter before they can be accepted. It is important that clubs have in place an adequate ice time contract in principle that demonstrates they will be able to fulfil their home league fixtures.

To start your England Ice Hockey club affiliation, please emails us via so we can provide you with guidance on registering, the process for acceptance into a league, and support with any documentation you need to submit.

Club and venue finder (hide for now)

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Running a club (hide for now)

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Club Support Toolkit

Please find below a range of templates to help you in establishing a club governance structure and creating key policies and documents for your club.

Club Toolkit
Club Development Plan Template
EIH Club Constitution Template
EIH Club Roles and Definitions
Code of Conduct Template: Junior Player
Code of Conduct Template: Adult Player
Code of Conduct Template: Coach & Volunteers
Code of Conduct Template: Parents & Spectators
Club Volunteer Agreement Template
Club Equity Statement Template
EIH Club Safeguarding Policy Template
EIH Safeguarding Pre-Season Checklist
EIH DBS Risk Assessment
EIH Rink Risk Assessment Template
EIH Overseas Travel Risk Assessment Template
Template Medical Emergency Action Plan
EIH Funding Support Guide
Funding: Active Partnerships Finder
Funding: Community Grants and Funding
Funding: Tips on Applying for Funding
Funding: Generating Income Tips
Template Clean Sport Commitment & Top Tips
Template Player Evaluation Form

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